Designated Regulated Firearms Collector

A person may not purchase more than one regulated firearm (handgun) in a 30-day period. You may complete more than one application within 30 days; however, you may not transfer or take possession of more than one regulated firearm within the 30-day period. This does not apply to rifles or shotguns. You can buy as many of them as you want. Exceptions include Designated Collectors. A Designated Collector is a status granted and approved by the Maryland State Police upon submission of an application. It is granted to an individual who devotes time and attention to acquiring certain types of regulated firearms for the enhancement of the collector's personal collection. It is NOT a license, nor is it a permit. It does NOT grant any authority to do anything. It merely exempts you from the 30-day wait between regulated firearm purchases. Once issued, the Designated Collector status does not expire and does not have to be renewed. Once a Designated Collector, always a Designated Collector.

Processing time for Designated Collector applications can range from days to weeks - most likely 2-3 weeks. There is only one Trooper that processes them, so patience is key when it comes to Designated Collector applications. It will be processed as soon as possible, so sit back, wait, and plan your next purchases. You will receive a letter in the mail stating your application to become a Designated Collector has been approved. We have been hearing that State Police is beginning to email some letters, but some folks are still getting letters in the mail. At that point, you are exempt from the 1-every-30 rule and can buy as many as you want, as often as you want, or never buy another regulated firearm again. There are no requirements to increase the size of your collection once you become a Designated Collector.

There is an unwritten rule that says you have to own a regulated firearm before you can become a Designated Collector, so you will have to wait to pick up your first handgun before you can submit the application to become a Designated Collector. The form must be signed and notarized. We at Tyler Firearms can assist with that at no charge to you. We'll even mail it in for you. Simply stop by the store and we'll be more than happy to help you.

For more information, please see this State Police website: ... ctors.aspx

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